DBN Communication DEALL Mumbai

An Early Intervention Program for Children with Autism
An evidence based therapy program for Autism
"Our son really looked forward to DEALL as it was a safe, fun place for him to learn. And to learn how to learn."
- Parent testimonial
"We are pleased with how well our daughter has progressed in one year.The centre is very good, therapists are friendly and treat children like their own.
The centre has worked very hard and patiently with our daughter to engage her and help her to communicate effectively, to develop speech and lnaguage skills, pre learning skills and activities of daily living by providing tailor made solutions.
We cannot express our gratitude and thanks enough for what Com DEALL has done for our daughter and us." - Kalpesh, father of the 3 and a half years old girl from Ahemadabad.They are following up with us once in three months.

Online services in lockdown times : 09870302499

"Our son was diagnosed with ASD when he was five years old.
For one and half years we struggled a lot to get his speech and occupational therapy in the country we live. Finally we decided to go to India and find something that will help our child. We went to the Neurologists in Mumbai to show Krishna's reports. They recommended us to Communication DEALL, Mumbai for Occupational Therapy(OT) and Speech and Language Therapy(SLT). We were glad to get admission at Com DEALL for short period. With the friendly staff it was a easy decision to continue the therapy in Com Deall.
Com DEALL has given a lot to our son - smiles, laughter, joy & lots of words. Because of the hard work & dedication of his therapists, Krishna is now able to do so many things that he couldn't do before. His eye contact, sitting tolerance, motor skills & answering to questions improved a lot. He started eating different types & textured food that he was not interested before. He learned to interact with other kids & people around him.
Within a month we saw drastic change in him. I learned a lot from his therapist. They are always more than willing to solve our questions & discuss about Krishna's progress. The most important quality of each and every staff is that they "listen" to the parents.
We are so proud of Krishna and all his accomplishments. Thank you Com DEALL team. We are beyond blessed to have found your school for Krishna.
Com DEALL - Friendly And Stress free Learning for Kids in need."
Sapana & Ravi, parents of Krishna; who are based in U.K.
"I consider myself really lucky to get my son enrolled in Com DEALL Mumbai within two weeks of us coming to India from overseas.I walked into the centre and immediately got attended by very helpful and friendly therapist.Got his assessment done next week itself and got within the week.All staff in the centre are so professional and friendly at the same time.They deliver regular updates on progress and explain targets for next month.They also provide parent training so we can follow the same at home.I am very happy with the progress of my son.I will recommend to all parents to give it a try if your child has any kind of communication issues.
- Mother of a three years old child with Autism; based in Australia.
" I thank Com DEALL Mumbai for bringing positive changes in our lives- Special thanks to Nafisa Didi for teaching my son " How to play with toys." And equally thankful to Neha and Mamata Didis for their efforts towards Aryan. Last but not the least Priya Ma'm we will keep coming and bothering you as your journey is a source of inspiration for us. Leaving this place with a heavy heart. Please convey my Namaskar to Deepa Ma'm.
- Rahul Agarwal, Father of a three years old child from Kolkotta.