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We provide intensive early intervention to children with Autism and related Communication Disorders (such as Specific Language Impairment, Developmental Verbal Dyspraxia). We follow the Communication DEALL program. We have a clear focus on working to help the child join regular school and are committed to achieving measureable gains in specified time intervals.


Children with greater difficulties (for whom mainstream school may be difficult) are helped through our Functional skills program where we work on building basic communication, independent feeding, toileting and developing basic play skills.


We offer both group and individual intervention programs based on the needs of the child and family.Demonstration therapy, parent training and home based program with regular follow up forms the basis of our intervention for out of town clients.


Our philosophy


Our top priority is to create a positive, harmonious environment in which children, families and professionals working with the children can thrive. We believe in transparency in our work. Parents are encouraged to participate with us at every step. Parent empowerment is a major thrust area and parent training and demonstration therapy are built into our schedule.We work closely with parents regarding the many challenges they face and help them channel skills learnt in the classroom into daily life.


Our teams are accountable to ensure that we meet our goal of measureable gains in specified timeframes. Witnessing the changes in the children keeps them internally motivated as well. Our professionals have unanimously told us that their biggest learning at Com DEALL has been the interdiscplinary work and holistic approach to child development.


Our head Deepa Bhat Nair is guided by the 'win-win' principle of life. She is  a certifed Master Trainer at The Com DEALL Trust, Bangalore. She is also Hanen Certified in 'It Takes Two to Talk' and has attended Michelle Garcia Winner's two-day seminar, 'Thinking of You,Thinking of Me', on understanding and intervening in social communication disorders.


As Master Trainer and Head, it is Deepa's responsibility to ensure that the team is trained in the Com DEALL philosophy and that the unit runs smoothly.She oversees the monthly reports and is available for troubleshooting specific challenges where the team may require inputs.


For more on Deepa, visit her Linkedin account:











Ms.Deepa Bhat Nair presenting at the American Speech and Hearing Association Conference on Social Pragmatics challenges in children with Autsim
Group intervention is our strength,it prepares children for the classroom

Our results

60-65% of the children who join our mainstream batch are enrolled in regular schools.


We have placed children in many leading  Mumbai schools including Campion School, St.Mary's, St.Ann's School, G D Somani School , B D Somani International School, German School, Dhirubai Ambani School, German School, Poddar International School, Beacon High and Bombay International School 


Children for whom the rigors of regular school would prove difficult have found placement in Aditya Birla Integrated School and ManuPrem School.


Children from our functional skills batch often join SPJ Sadhana,Child Development Centre, Yashodham.








Give us a call:


​Documentation and reporting


Children in the program are assessed every six months.These assessments form the basis for developing intervention goals. We thus take care that each child's goals are specific to his/her needs and can be addressed even when working with children in groups. Periodic assessments ensure that goals stay dynamic and evolve as the child develops. Written reports on goals and progress are shared with the family every month.The team meets on the last Saturday of every month to discuss each child at length.


Indeed, we take pride in staying abreast of the latest developments in the field and are proud to offer a program in line with best practices across the world. We strive to ensure that we remain the best early intervention service for Autism in Mumbai.





Ms.Deepa Bhat Nair presenting at the International Developmental Pediatrics Conference
At American Speech and Hearing Association Conference at Los Angeles





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